high school  ministry

FAFC Youth Ministries exists to SHARE the love of Jesus to all lives (Luke 10:25-37), to IMITATE the life of Jesus in our relationships (1 John 2:6), to GLOBALIZE the name of Jesus everywhere (Acts 17:6), to UNDERSTAND the teachings of Jesus in our culture (1 Peter 3:15), and to EXPERIENCE the power of Jesus in a balanced lifestyle (Romans 12:1-21). 

Wednesday Nights
7:00 pm
The Attic

Sunday Mornings
10:30  am
The Attic

 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Our young people in the Millennial and Generation Z are leaving church in the masses. Here at Kingdom Student Ministries our adult and student leaders have risen to the challenge. We believe the same God found in the Old and New Testament is active and alive in the 21st century.

Our goal is to make disciples of Jesus who will lead the way in society, culture, and ministry. Too many students leave High School ill-equipped in matters of faith, theology and Scripture. Our objective is to prepare students to have an answer to everyone questioning their belief in gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15).  Head knowledge of God is pretty, but not powerful. The Word combined with the Spirit’s power is what ignites fire for whole transformation. We want our generation to experience the living God in worship and life!